Get over it people breasts are for feeding babies!
Why are people so uncomfortable with a breastfeeding woman? I even went through this with my husband after our son was born. He was always so uncomfortable and embarrassed that I was breastfeeding in a public place, even when I used a cover. He would tell me I should go to another room. I would get so mad at him. I eventually told him that if he ever said anything to me again when I was nourishing and feeding his son I would unlatch and give him a shower. He has never said anything again. I found it upsetting to not have his support in my decision to breastfeed in public. In every situation he was the only person that was uncomfortable and he actually drew more attention to what was happening by acting like an ass. Now don't get me wrong my husband is a wonderful supportive man. He was very supportive of my decision to breastfeed and thought it was important that I do it. The problem is that he thinks of breasts as sexual objects and not what they truly are, a source of food for our children.
In my opinion this is case for so many people. They can not get over the sexualization of breasts. So they think it is crude for a woman to bare her breast in a public place to feed her baby. I personally think that woman should breastfeed when ever where ever they choose. If your baby is hungry fed them and don't feel that you have to hide in a dirty bathroom or corner somewhere to do it. I am saying that woman should do what they feel is comfortable for them. There are no set rules, so make your own and enjoy the bond that you have with your baby.
When I first started breastfeeding nursing in public was difficult. I was always trying to use a cover that was in the way and it was hard to get the baby latched. Eventually as we both got better at it nursing in public became natural and easy. I can nurse my son now anywhere and I hardly show any breast at all.
Breastfeeding is the normal way to feed to a baby and it needs to be promoted.
So to all the people out there that have a problem with a woman nursing her child in a public place GET OVER IT! and look the other way.
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