Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back to the Grind...

Well I have returned to work.  My year of vacation (as my husband called it) is over.  I have been back for four shifts.  I thought I might die after the first but it has gotten better with each shift.  It really has not taken   me long to get back into the swing of things.  Actually I am little amazed that it really doesn't feel like I was gone at all.  I super excited that I started two IVs, both were hard starts.  It really boosted my confidence and I have to admit that I was really worried that my skills would be super rusty after a year off. 

I am really enjoying my patients as well.  It is such a great feeling to be caring for them.  Although I am enjoying being back all the old frustrations are there too.  I am so upset with the state of health care in this province and for that matter this country. 

It is so frustrating to see our elderly and ill treated so poorly.  There needs to be more staff.  In my opinion there is no reason that a person should become dehydrated while in the hospital.  But unfortunately this happens all to often especially with the elderly.  Is so many cases they can not drink by themselves and they need help.  But there is not enough staff and everyone is so busy with other tasks that these people are left for extended periods of time and not able to get themselves something to drink.

Our system lacks efficiency.  There is so much money wasted because health care professionals are not allowed to perform all the duties that they are educated to do.  Take nurses for example, I know when someone needs to have a CBC or urinalysis performed but I have to call a Dr to give me permission to run the test.  In my opinion that is waste of money.  I have the training and the ability to know that my patient needs to see a Speech language pathologist or a physio therapist yet I can not consult them without a Dr's order.  I feel that there is no reason that I as a RN should be interrupting a Dr at his clinic to ask him if it is ok to check someones urine or to swab their wound for infection. This is a waste of resources, time and money.  The faster our Governments and hospital administrators figure this out the faster we will be on the road to better health care in this province and country. 

I could gone on for ever about this subject but this is my rant for tonight.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Breasts are for Babies...

Get over it people breasts are for feeding babies! 

Why are people so uncomfortable with a breastfeeding woman?  I even went through this with my husband after our son was born.  He was always so uncomfortable and embarrassed that I was breastfeeding in a public place, even when I used a cover.  He would tell me I should go to another room.  I would get so mad at him. I eventually told him that if he ever said anything to me again when I was nourishing and feeding his son I would unlatch and give him a shower.  He has never said anything again.  I found it upsetting to not have his support in my decision to breastfeed in public.  In every situation he was the only person that was uncomfortable and he actually drew more attention to what was happening by acting like an ass.  Now don't get me wrong my husband is a wonderful supportive man.  He was very supportive of my decision to breastfeed and thought it was important that I do it.  The problem is that he thinks of breasts as sexual objects and not what they truly are, a source of food for our children.

In my opinion this is case for so many people.  They can not get over the sexualization of breasts.  So they think it is crude for a woman to bare her breast in a public place to feed her baby.  I personally think that woman should breastfeed when ever where ever they choose.  If your baby is hungry fed them and don't feel that you have to hide in a dirty bathroom or corner somewhere to do it.  I am saying that woman should do what they feel is comfortable for them.  There are no set rules, so make your own and enjoy the bond that you have with your baby.

When I first started breastfeeding nursing in public was difficult.  I was always trying to use a cover that was in the way and it was hard to get the baby latched.  Eventually as we both got better at it nursing in public became natural and easy.  I can nurse my son now anywhere and I hardly show any breast at all.

Breastfeeding is the normal way to feed to a baby and it needs to be promoted. 
So to all the people out there that have a problem with a woman nursing her child in a public place GET OVER IT! and look the other way.

Food Food Food...

I was watching Oprah earlier this week and I was pleased to see her talking about food.  I really enjoyed the show and all of the info she was giving to people. One of the parts of the show that I was really happy that she showed was the slaughter house.  I think that it is so important for people to see where there food comes from especially meat.

One thing that has become very important to me is feeding my family healthy food that is not travelling halfway around the world before we get to eat it.  Over the past two years I have tried to buy as much local produce, or produce that is travelling less than a day before it reaches us.  I was actually surprised at how easy it has been to accomplish this.  In the summer I shopped the local farmer's market weekly buying all kinds of wonderful produce from local farmers.  I was also able to buy many things from the Superstore.  They make it a priority to provide produce that is fresh and grown as close to local as possible.  During the winter it has been a little harder to find things.  We are eating a lot more frozen veggies and all the yummy canning I did in the fall. 

This past fall was the first time in my life that I canned.  My mother in-law was kind enough to show me the ropes and once I realized how easy canning was I went a little crazy.  I went through 90lbs of tomatoes.  I made tomato sauce,salsa, chili sauce and plain canned tomatoes.  I canned 4 cases of peaches and 9 baskets of pears.  There is nothing that compares to home made sauce and canned fruit that you know exactly what is in it and where it all came from.  I am hoping to master gardening this coming summer so that I can use my own produce to make all these wonderful goodies.  I had buy most of it from the local farmer's market and some from a Hutterite colony. It will make this an even cheaper option for us if I can grow my own garden.

When it comes to meat it is very important to me to know where the meat has come from and how the animals were treated.  I can honestly say that I have never bought beef from a grocery store.  I really don't like the idea of not knowing where it came from and what is in it.  I am lucky to have cattle farmer's in my family and buy a good portion of our beef from them.  We also shop at a small butcher shop in Starbuck, Manitoba.  It has been around forever and is a lovely little family run business.  I know that we can trust where the meat has come from when buying it from them.  We are not huge pork eaters but bacon is always a must have.  We purchase this from the same butcher.  Chicken so far is my downfall when it comes to finding local.  I do purchase chicken that is raised and slaughtered in Manitoba but I don't really like the idea of how they are raised in barns.  I am still looking for a free range chicken farmer close by that I can buy meat from so if anyone knows one send me the info.  We do tend to eat a lot of chicken so it is really important to me find a local free range supplier.  Fish is easy when you live in Manitoba you can get great pickerel year round for a decent price or you can fish for yourself.

I do have a few downfalls that are hard to give up I will admit.  I love avocados, and pineapple.  Two things that I will never find local. But I will say that I think we have done a pretty good job of so far and we are headed in the right direction when it comes to food.  It never something you can do all at once but even just buying local produce through the summer supports the local economy and makes a difference.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Slings vs. Strollers...

When I found out I was pregnant one of things I was so excited to purchase was a stroller.  I researched, researched and researched some more.  I finally found the perfect stroller, I was in love!  It was the perfect color, it had all attachments and accessories a girl could want.  My husband laughed at its' size and wondered aloud how on earth I was going to haul it around.  I was actually surprised myself at how much room it consumed in the back of our truck and getting it into the trunk of the car good luck! 
During my pregnancy I also purchased a ring sling, a pouch sling, and a baby trekker.  I had done a little bit of research on using them but I had not really educated myself all that much about babywearing. 

When I brought Everette home from the hospital I tried using the pouch and the ring sling.  I could not get comfortable using either of them.  I used the baby trekker a few times but it was the same I was not totally comfy with it and I found it a little cumbersome to use by myself.  My best friend was pregnant at the same time as I was and I bought her a Moby wrap as a gift, why I did not buy myself one I am not sure.  After she raved about how great and comfy it was I decided to buy one.  I was in love after the first time I used it. 

At this point I was struggling to haul the stroller around.  Loading it in and out of the truck I will admit was not fun and I cursed that stroller more than once. 

I loved my Moby and I used it everyday.  The stroller found a place in the garage and that is where it has stayed.  Thanks to my friend Jana I discovered woven wraps, and The Babywearer.com.  I now have a total addiction to babywearing and it the last year I have maybe used my stroller 4 or 5 times.  I love to wear Everette! Now that he is to big too wear on my front I wear him on my hip or on my back.  He loves it and loves that he can see everything going on. 

Babywearing has many benefits for both Mama and baby. If you are interested in more info please check out these articles on the babywearer.

Babywearing Benefits

I have also include some links to some of my favorite baby carriers.





Friday, January 28, 2011

Cloth Diapers 101...

When I made the decision to cloth diaper our son my husband was not excited.  Some of my friends and family told me I would not last.  Well here we are one year in and our son is in cloth 99% of the time.  The 1% is when we have a young sitter that is not comfy with the idea of using cloth.  We always use a biodegradable disposable. 
My husband has learned to love our cloth diapers and thinks they are pretty easy to use.  He also loves all the money it is going to save us.  Our son will be in diapers for approximately 3 years.  Disposables would cost us approximatley $1000.00 per year, the cost of our cloth diapers was $500.00.  So in the end we will have saved $2500.00.  Plus another bonus is that these cloth diapers will be able to be used with our future children as well.  Increasing our savings!
After lots of researching I decided that gdiapers were going to be the cloth diaper for us.  The nice thing about gdiapers was that they offered a flushable/biodegradable insert as well as a cloth insert.  I used the flushable insert for the first 5 weeks and then I started using the cloth inserts and have never looked back.  I was hesitant at first to use cloth when taking Everette out of the house but after a few outings I realized that it was just as easy as using the flushies or a disposable.  I just had to plan ahead and be prepared. 
I chose to use a dry diaper pail.  I keep it in the bathroom and I am lucky that I have enough counter space in my bathroom to have my change pad in there as well.  I found that this had made clean up a lot easier.  My husband also installed a diaper sprayer for me. 
There has certainly been a learning curve using cloth diapers but I have been able to find a lot of great resources.  The biggest challenge I have encountered is finding the right detergent to wash my diapers with.  I have battled the dreaded ammonia but once I found the right detergent it was easily defeated.




Diapering decisions - Great info

Made in Canada Baby...

It has always been important to me to shop locally and to buy made in Canada products.  When I was outfitting our nursery I knew that I wanted the things I bought for our new baby to be made in Canada.  What I didn't expect was how hard it was going to be to find them.  It took a lot of searching and a lot of time on the computer but I was eventually able to find almost everything made in Canada.  I was even able to buy some of it locally from a little baby boutique.  I had all my bedding sewn by a friend of my Mom's (I am eventually going to have to learn to sew) and our furniture was handmade by a neighbour of my in-laws (the furniture came second hand from my husband's sister).  It took the whole 9 months of my pregnancy to find everything but I am proud to say that I was able to find 90% of what I needed made in Canada. 
What has been most difficult is finding clothing for our son that is made in Canada and  does not cost an arm and a leg.  I am sad to say that as of yet I have not been able to find a great clothing line made in Canada that is affordable. 
In the last year I have been able to find 85% of what I need for my baby made in either Canada or the USA.  I have included a few links to some of my favorite products and places to shop for all my baby's needs.





